College Terminology
Terms and Definitions
- Students register for an additional class after initial registration. Check the Academic
Calendar for registration deadlines and possible fees.
- Students who wish to earn a vocational certificate or a degree must apply and be formally
admitted to a program. Students admitted to MSC have submitted an Application for
Admission, met all admission requirements and received a Certificate of Admission.
Basic University admission requirements must be met; some departments may have additional
requirements. Complete admission is required in order to receive most types of financial
- UAA awards credit for satisfactory performance (a score of 3 or higher) on the College
Board Advanced Placement Examinations. These exams are normally completed by students
during their senior year in high school. A student may receive credit for more than
one Advanced Placement Exam.
- Associate degrees are programs of 60 credits or more that combine focused coursework
in a major field with broad studies in the general education areas of written communication,
oral communication, humanities, math and natural sciences, and social sciences.
- Students register, pay for, and attend a class without receiving credit. Within certain
timeframes, a class can be changed from audit to credit grading.
- (Bachelor Degree) Baccalaureate, or bachelor, degrees are organized programs or study
that consist of 120 credits or more. In addition to providing extensive preparation
in specific knowledge areas, the content and activities found in the baccalaureate
degree promote in students the abilities to reason, research, and analyze, and to
form, support and communicate their ideas and opinions. Typically it takes 4-5 years
of full time attendance to earn a bachelor’s degree.
- The academic year that a student is admitted into a degree program. The catalog year
begins with the fall semester and ends with the following summer semester. To earn
a certificate or degree, students need to meet the requirements in that year's catalog
or from the catalog of the year in which they graduate.
- Classification, based on the total credits a student has earned and does not necessarily
reflect the progress a student has made toward the completion of a degree. Students
are classified as follows:
Freshman/First Year: 0-29 credits
Sophomore/Second Year: 30-59 credits
Junior: 60-89 credits
Senior: 90+ credits
- The University requires students to conduct themselves honestly and responsibly and
respect the rights of others. Violations of the Code of Conduct are subject to University
judicial review and disciplinary action. Please read the Student Code of Conduct in
the Student Life chapter of the MSC Bulletin.
- An academic title conferred by universities and colleges indicating the completion
of a course of study. Here are just a few examples:
- Associate of Arts (AA)
- Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
- Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Bachelor of Science (BS)
- For a complete list of degrees offered by MSC, please visit the
- Students who have been fully admitted to a degree program and are attending the classes
required to complete their degree.
- Baccalaureate degree-seeking students may apply to graduate (during the same semester)
with two majors, provided the degree program is the same for each major. For example,
a student may select two of the approved majors, such as History and Justice, within
the Bachelor of Arts degree program.
- Students who register for a class and decide not to attend must drop the class by
the deadline published in the course schedule. If the class is not dropped before
the deadline, tuition and fees will still apply. Students who don’t formally withdraw
will receive an "F" grade. (Also see withdrawal.) Use UAOnline (web) system or go
to the registration office in person. See the course schedule for drop deadlines and
possible fees. Dropped courses do not appear on the student's transcript.
- Students registered for classes at MSC are enrolled. Many students mistakenly assume
they are admitted to the University because they are enrolled in classes.
- Some courses include "Faculty Approval" as a registration restriction. Students must
obtain the approval of the faculty member instructing the course section, or that
faculty member's designee, prior to registration.
- Students taking courses for academic credit pay student fees that support a variety
of programs and services. All students registering in three or more credits held on
the Anchorage campus must pay the mandatory student fees. The course schedule outlines
the benefits associated with these fees.
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, was designated
to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to
inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction
of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings.
- Most types of assistance students receive in order to pay for tuition (for example,
work study, scholarships, grants and loans). Students must be admitted to a degree-seeking
program and maintain satisfactory academic progress to be eligible for financial aid.
- A student enrolled at MSC in at least 12 credit hours during a semester is considered
a full-time student.
- MSC uses the 4-point system as a measure of scholastic success. To learn how to calculate
a GPA, read the Academic Policies in chapter 6 of the MSC Bulletin.
- There are special admission requirements that apply to international students.
- A subject or discipline in which a student concentrates a large share of efforts.
- A student enrolled at MSC in fewer than 12 credit hours during a semester is considered
a part-time student. Nine credits is considered ¾ time, six credits is considered
½ time. The MSC Bulletin describes additional rules for calculating full-time and
part-time status for undergraduate and graduate students. (Also see study load.)
- This is the last possible date students can pay tuition and fees.
- Students applying to certain programs that have limited space and/or highly selective
admission criteria may be initially admitted to a pre-major status in that program.
Admission to pre-major status does not guarantee subsequent admission to the major
but does allow a student to be advised within the department and receive financial
- Registration is the process of signing up to attend a class.
- Students should consider their graduation timeline when planning their study loads.
To complete an associate degree in two years or a baccalaureate degree in four years
(excluding summers), a full-time student should plan to take at least 15 credits each
semester. Many degrees require more than the minimum number of required credits and
may take longer than four years to complete. Remember, the greatest amount of college
study time is spent outside the classroom. For each hour of in-class time, a student
may spend two to four hours of study time outside the class. Students may wish to
start college slowly, establish their study time needs and then adjust their schedules
accordingly. When planning study loads students should keep in mind non-school demands
such as employment and family responsibilities.
- An official transcript is received by the university in a sealed envelope from the
issuing school. Hand-carried documents are only considered official if they remain
in an envelope sealed by the issuing institution.
- A final high school transcript shows the student’s graduation date. A student still
in high school should send "in-progress" transcripts at the time of application for
admission and a final transcript upon graduation. A final transcript is required to
complete the admission process for financial aid disbursement.
- Classes removed from a student’s schedule after the drop deadline. The course will
appear with a status of "W" on the student’s transcript. Students should see an advisor
for options if they get to a point where they cannot pass a class (try to avoid taking
an F in a class). Course withdrawal begins the day following the drop deadline. Withdrawal
is not allowed after the course has ended.