Learning Resource Center Tutoring

Student smiling with tutor at white boardThe LRC offers a variety of options to assist students, including face-to-face tutoring sessions on campus and tutoring resources for math and  writing. Making an appointment with a tutor is not required, but it is recommended.

Click the titles below for descriptions of our tutoring services.            
  • Tutoring Hours

    Math Tutor: Skye Harding
    JKB 107      Tutor Hours
    Make an appointment  (encouraged but not required)
    First day for spring semester -TBD

    Writing Tutor: Boyde Allen and Dr.Vivian Wagner 
    JKB 107       Tutor Hours
    Make an appointment  (encouraged but not required)
    First day for spring semester-TBD

  • LRC Tutoring

    All students enrolled in Mat-Su College may receive tutoring in the Learning Resource Center (LRC).  Math and Writing tutors are regularly available Fall and Spring semesters. With each visit, students are required to provide their names, course names, and professor names.

    Math Tutors

    The math tutors help with any math or math-related course offered at Mat-Su College and are available during scheduled hours. They do not work homework problems for students but help them identify problem areas and understand math principles. Students in the same courses may be encouraged to work together with each other and the tutor. The tutors can provide information about online math resources. Students are encouraged to make an appointment to meet with a math tutor, especially towards the end of the semester as exams come near. Appointments and walk-in meetings are 30 minutes.

    Writing Tutors

    The writing tutors help with all aspects of writing, from reviewing grammar and punctuation to understanding essay assignments. Genres of writing, the writing process, and APA & MLA reference styles are common topics that are discussed with the tutors. Tutors often help students identify their own writing problems; however, tutors do not correct errors for students. Rather, they train students to understand academic writing principles and to identify patterns in their own writing that are not consistent with academic writing. To benefit most from tutoring services, students working on extensive writing assignments should seek help early in the process. Tutors can offer only limited advice when students seek help the same day that a lengthy writing assignment is due. Students are encouraged to make an appointment to meet with a writing tutor, especially towards the end of the semester as exams come near. Appointments and walk-in meetings are 30 minutes.

    Please note that children may not be in the tutoring or testing rooms and may not be left unattended anywhere on campus.

    Schedule appointment with tutor

  • UAA Tutoring and Learning Commons

    The UAA Tutoring and Learning Commons has a variety of in-person and online support services available to all University of Alaska students.  Explore these resources.

  • Live Homework Help

    Live Homework Help (tutor.com/alaska) is a free online tutor service brought to all Alaskan residents through a grant from the Alaska State Library and SLED, the Statewide Library Electronic Doorway. Live interactive tutoring sessions with real tutors are offered seven days a week from noon to 2:00 AM Alaska Time.

    If a live tutor is not available, a variety of online resources is available 24/7 in various subject areas.

  • Other Homework Links

    Math students:

    • Khan Academy offers a large range of online videos explaining math concepts in detail
    • Purple Math provides practical lessons in algebra
    • 101Science provides multimedia resources for topics ranging from arithmetic to calculus

    Writing students:

    • Writer's Handbook This is a handbook put out by the University of Wisconsin’s Writing Center. It has good advice for everything from grammar and punctuation to citing references and providing an overview of how to go about writing common assignments such as critical reviews, research papers, and scientific reports.
    • Writing Center This site, sponsored by Portland State University, breaks writing assignments into ten steps. Each step includes a list of questions and suggestions to aid in the writing process. Additionally PSU provides links to additional resources if you need more help.
    • Paper Rater This is a free online grammar, spelling, and plagiarism checker. Simply copy and paste your essay into the text box, and the program quickly identifies probable errors in grammar and spelling; it also rates your word choices, vocabulary, and style. It even offers you a tentative grade for your paper. This would be an excellent tool for students who need help finding missed or inappropriate words in their writing or other minor errors.
    • APA Style Blog This source is great for finding answers about how to cite those odd resources that don’t seem to fit any of the usual categories.  Simply type in questions, “How do you cite a press release in APA?”  or “How do you cite the title of a piece of music?” and most of the time you’ll get a trustworthy answer in a lot less time than scouring the index of the Publication Manual would take.