Occupational Endorsement Certificate in Cisco-Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

Instructor with students in computer lab.

The Occupational Endorsement Certificate in Cisco-Certified Network Associate prepares students for entry-level technician careers in the computer electronics and networking industries.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students graduating with an Occupational Endorsement Certificate in Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) will be able to:

  • Show knowledge of network infrastructure.
  • Demonstrate competence in entry-level tasks of design, configuration, operation and troubleshooting Ethernet and TCP/IP networks.
  • Demonstrate competence in the configuration and troubleshooting of Cisco routers and switches.
CNT A170 CCNA 1 4
CNT A261 CCNA 2 4
CNT A270 CCNA 3 4
Total 12

A minimum of 12 credits is required for the OEC.