Graduation and Commencement Ceremony

You've tracked your progress in your UAOnline DegreeWorks, and nearly completed all the requirements for your degree. You're ready to apply to graduate. You can apply now for graduation and don't need to wait until your last class is done.

For issues with courses or degree programs not showing in DegreeWorks as expected, see Degree Progress.

Apply to Graduate

To be eligible for graduation at the end of a given semester, a student must be formally admitted to the degree or certificate program and submit an application for graduation through UAOnline.

  • Apply to graduate through your UAOnline account.
  • Graduation application deadlines are in Registration Dates and Deadlines calendars.
  • Catalog policy on Graduation governs this process.
  • Students with a directory hold on their account will be removed from the commencement ceremony program prior to printing and will not be included in any other commencement-related publications.
  • Step-by-Step Directions to Apply to Graduate
    1. Login to UAOnline.
    2. Click on "Students Services & Account Information."
    3. Click on "Student Records."
    4. Select "Apply to Graduate."
    5. Select the degree program from which you wish to graduate and click "Continue."
    6. Select the semester in which you intend to graduate from the drop down menu and click "Continue."
    7. Click "Submit Request."

    You may view the status of existing applications for graduation in UAOnline. From the Student Services & Account Information tab, choose Student Records, Apply to Graduate and View Application to Graduate.

    See the university catalog for information and policies related to your application for graduation.

  • Diploma

    Diplomas are eligible for pick up or can be mailed by request at this time. We will contact you via your phone number on file to let you know when your diploma is printed and ready for pick up. Please make sure to update your phone number and address in your uaonline account. 

    Students must satisfy all unpaid student account balances before their diploma will be released.

    The name on your diploma will be the official name on file with the University at the time of printing. Diplomas are printed with first name, middle initial, last name. UAA will print full middle and maiden names upon request. Requests to print alternate versions of first names will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 

    At the end of one year, any unclaimed/returned diplomas will be shredded. If you believe that your diploma has been shredded, please contact for further instruction.

  • Replacement Diploma

    Graduates wishing to order a replacement diploma for a change of name must submit a Change of Personal Information along with documentation.

    A Change Form is typically processed within seven business days.  An Application for Replacement Diploma will be processed within five business days or after the Change Form has been processed, if applicable.

    All replacement diplomas will be printed with current University President, Chancellor, and Chair of the Board of Regents signatures and will have the words, "Replacement Diploma issued (date)" printed under the university seal.

    Application for Replacement Diploma


Commencement Ceremony

Congratulations on your accomplishment! Years of hard work and dedication culminate in this timeless academic tradition and celebration of student success. Mat-Su College faculty and staff extend their heart felt congratulations to all of our graduating students. This years ceremony will be held on May 9, 2025 at 7:30 pm, at the Glenn Massay Theater.

Pre-commencement Information:

  • Reserve your cap and gown

    Our caps and gowns were purchased by the Mat-Su College Student Government Council and are available for your use free of charge. Please go to the Campus Cache during their normal business hours and reserve a gown in your size. Monday - Friday 8:30 am-5 pm.  Note: If you wish to purchase a cap and gown, you can order online through the UAA bookstore or call 907-786-1194.

  • RSVP for the ceremony

    Please let us know if you will be attending the ceremony and how many will be in your party. This will help the committee plan this timeless event.

  • Honors Cords
    Graduates who are receiving honor cords will receive an email with instructions on picking up their cords before commencement in Student Services office. 
  • Military and Veteran Cords
    Military service members and veteran graduates can pick up a red, white, and blue graduation cord from Student Services. 
  • Commencement Ceremony

    Commencement at the Glenn Massay Theater

    • Rehearsal - 1 pm to 2 pm
    • Break - 2 pm to 6 pm
    • Commencement
      • Graduates must arrive for check-in by 6:00 p.m.
      • Group photograph, compliments of Mat-Su College, taken at 6:30 p.m. (SHARP)
      • A complimentary individual graduation photo will be provided by Student Government, and is taken before the ceremony
      • You may order additional prints through Ambience Photography at 
      • Graduate processional line-up at 7:15 p.m.
      • Commencement ceremony begins at 7:30 p.m.
  •  Diplomas and Photos

    Graduates will receive a group photograph, compliments of Mat-Su College. A complimentary individual graduation photo will be provided by Student Government. You may order additional prints through Ambience Photography at 

    We will contact you when your diploma and/or photos(s) are ready for pick up. This will be sometime in early summer.

Leadership and Recognition

Student Commencement Speaker

The Student Commencement Speaker offers an address during the Mat-Su College commencement ceremony and serves as the representative of this year’s graduating class. Providing the student address during this important university event is an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the graduating class, reflect upon the past few years, and convey a message for the future. Along with notable members of Mat-Su College, UAA and UA community, as well as other important Alaskan representatives, the Student Commencement Speaker participates in pre-commencement activities and is seated on the main stage during the program. 

Student Speaker Application


Requirements to be Student Commencement Speaker

  • Must have graduated or will be graduating with an associate degree through Mat-Su College during at least one of the following semesters: Summer 2024, Fall 2024 or Spring 2025
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • Must complete and submit the Application for Student Speaker by April 17, 2025 at 5 p.m. 
  • Submit Application and Essay to Student Services.

The Mat-Su College Commencement Speaker application requires you to write and attach a short essay to the application. In the essay, explain why you think you would make a good representative for this year’s graduating class and why you would like to be the speaker. 

 Leadership Honors

Leadership Honors are awarded to individuals upon graduation to recognize and honor their leadership contributions to the Mat-Su College  and the Mat-Su community while maintaining academic excellence. Leadership activities and involvement must promote individual and collective growth, demonstrate increased engagement with the community at Mat-Su College and beyond, thereby enhancing student life at Mat-Su College. Recipients of Mat-Su College Leadership Honors are commemorated at the Mat-Su College commencement ceremony, bestowed crimson honor cords, and receive a permanent notation on their academic transcript.

Apply for Leadership Honors



Requirements to qualify for Mat-Su College Leadership Honors

  • Must have graduated or will be graduating with an OEC, certificate, or associate degree through Mat-Su College during at least one of the following semesters: Summer 2024, Fall 2024 or Spring 2025
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Complete and submit the Mat-Su College Leadership Honors application, including 2 letters of recommendation by April 17, 2025 at 5 p.m. 

The Mat-Su College Leadership Honors application requires you to write and attach an essay and bullet list outlining your significant contribution to Mat-Su College such as participation in college club activities, Student Government, and other student groups. You will also need to submit 2 letters of recommendation from the Mat-Su College faculty or staff that can attest to your college leadership involvement.

To Applicant: Give the link above to any Mat-Su College faculty or staff who know you well and can speak directly and specifically about your Mat-Su College campus leadership experience, ability and potential. Please allow adequate time for the person providing a recommendation to complete this form before the application deadline.

To the Recommender:  Students may apply for Student Leadership Honors to be awarded upon graduation. If a student has asked you for a recommendation letter, please describe the student’s strengths with regard to academic achievement, campus leadership, and/or character. Support your statements with reference to your personal academic/campus experiences with the student. Please feel free to attach additional pages if necessary.

 *Printed application packets are also available in the Student Services office.

2024/2025 Mat-Su College Graduates

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

Graduate                                                             Major Honors
Bennett, Kaitlynn
Elibee, Magarren General Business Magna Cum Laude
Linder, Heidi
General Business Magna Cum Laude
Tuttle, Cade Computer Systems & Network Technology
Summa Cum Laude

Associate of Arts (AA)

Graduate                                                                  Major                                                                        Honors
Bauer, Timothy General Program Cum Laude
Carnahan, Kamila General Program Magna Cum Laude
Chapman, Katelynn
General Program Summa Cum Laude
Christensen, BonnieJean
General Program  
Clark, Hanna
General Program  
Cuddy, Jonathan
General Program  
Davis, Savanna
General Program Cum Laude
Harper, Sophia
General Program Summa Cum Laude
Hennemann, Rosalia
General Program Summa Cum Laude
Hracha, Jordan
General Program Cum Laude
Lee, Carston
General Program  
Oliver, Joann
General Program Magna Cum Laude
Pacheco, Chantel General Program Cum Laude
Root, Brayden
General Program  
Stepchinski, Addison
General Program Cum Laude
Stocker, Emily
General Program  
Strobel, Abby
General Program Summa Cum Laude
Thatcher, Nicholas
General Program  
Zoerb, Savana
General Program  
Marshall, Paige
General Program Summa Cum Laude

Occupational Endorsement Certificate  (OEC)

Graduate                                                               Certificate
Carrell, Jacob Cisco-CertIfied Network Associate (CCNA)
Mothershead, Rebecca
Computer Systems & Network Technology
Ojwanga, Dianah
Cisco-CertIfied Network Associate (CCNA)
Straughn, Mason
Computer Systems & Network Technology
Towne, Amanda
Veterinary Assisting

Graduate from UAA, UAF or UAS

Graduate Major           Degree Honors
Buck, Jenna Health Information Managment Associate of Applied Science Summa Cum Laude
Evans, Cathy Lee Elementary Education UAS-Bachelor of Arts  
Ewart, Jeanne
Elementary Education
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Toms, Kristine Elementary Education Bachelor of Arts Cum Laude
VanKooten, Hidi Elementary Education Bachelor of Arts Cum Laude
Willhauck, Steffany
Natural Science
Bachelor of Science

Graduate with Honors

Standing                        GPA Requirement  
Summa Cum Laude  3.90 to 4.00                                      
Magna Cum Laude 3.75 to 3.89  
Cum Laude 3.50 to 3.74  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I walk at Commencement in May?

    Students who complete certificate or degree requirements in the summer, fall or spring semesters are invited to participate in commencement ceremony in May. 

  • What is the 'final date' for turning things in and still graduating?

    All paperwork, petitions, test scores, grades, etc., must be received by the Registrar's Office by the final grade submission deadline. This date is generally three (3) business days after the last day of the semester. Specific dates are available on the Dates and Deadlines page. Degree Services begins reviewing students’ audits for completion the day after the final grading deadline. If a student's paperwork is not submitted or complete when their degree is audited, their degree will not be awarded. These students will receive email correspondence at their preferred email address with information about their degree status.

  • I know I'm not going to graduate. What should I do?

    Email from your preferred or student email account and request your application be moved to a future semester within one academic year of your original application. Include your student ID number, degree, and the semester to which you would like your application to be moved. This must be done before the final class day of the semester for which you applied to graduate. This is a one-time courtesy move.

  • My advisor/instructor told me another class would count for that requirement

    In order for students to graduate from Mat-Su College, they must complete all university, general education and major requirements as published in the university catalog. If an advisor or instructor tells a student that a particular course can satisfy a major requirement or that a major requirement may be waived, the student needs to work with their advisor to ensure academic petitions are submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Students should access their DegreeWorks audit (found in UAOnline, Student Services & Account Information link) to verify that all of their requirements are complete and to track academic petitions. If a petition is not documented in DegreeWorks, it is possible the petition was never received and will therefore not be considered when Degree Services completes the final audit.

  • Should I apply to graduate with an Occupational Endorsement Certificate?

    A student pursuing an Occupational Endorsement Certificate must apply for graduation to earn their OEC.

  • Incomplete Grades

    Your degree cannot be awarded if you have an incomplete grade in a course required for your degree. Change of grade forms must be submitted to the Registrar's Office by the last day of the semester in which you intend to graduate.

  • Transfer Credits

    If you will be using transfer credit to complete your degree requirements, you must have an official transcript from that institution sent to the Registrar's Office as soon as your grade is available. All transcripts must be received by the last day of the semester in which you intend to graduate.

  • CLEP and DSST (DANTES) Test Scores

    If you will be using test scores to complete your degree requirements, we must receive official test scores before the last day of the semester in which you intend to graduate. See more on the transfer credit site.

  • Degree Posted on Your Transcript

    Once all requirements have been verified as met, your degree will be posted to your record and immediately appear on your transcript. You can verify that your degree has been awarded by viewing your unofficial transcript in UAOnline.

If you have any questions, please email us at or call Student Services at 907-745-9746
Monday through Friday 8:00 am - 5:00pm