Textbooks for Faculty
Textbook Coordinator: please call or email for more information.
Phone: 907-745-9739
Email: msc.campus.cache@alaska.edu
Spring Semester: October
Summer Semester: December
Fall Semester: February
Ambassador will send notification to your UA generated email address with specific dates and deadlines for adoptions.
Policy Statement:
Mat-Su College’s Textbook Policy was established to address the cost of college textbooks
and other instructional materials and to ensure compliance with Section 133 of the
federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008.
In this policy, the term textbook is meant to include various types of required course
materials, including software, electronic files, and course packs.
Policies and Responsibilities
The textbook adoption deadlines for Mat-Su College comply with HEOA guidelines including
the requirement that textbook information (including ISBN’s and prices) be provided
to students when the schedule is available for viewing (published online, viewable
through UAOnline). Deadlines for submission of text book adoptions are as follows:
Spring Semester: October
Summer Semester: December
Fall Semester: February
Specific dates of adoption deadlines will be emailed to your UA generated email address approximately one month before the deadline.
Department Coordinators shall be responsible for ensuring that all pertinent courses under their authority have adoptions submitted by the deadlines. In the event an instructor has not been hired, the coordinators have the choice to choose a textbook or leave it blank until an instructor is hired. If the coordinator chooses a textbook the hired instructor must use that textbook. The course will not be posted online for viewing and/or registering until textbook information has been received.
Ordering Course Materials
- Adoption must be completed fully and submitted by the deadlines specified in the notification emails.
- Faculty not using texts MUST still complete adoptions for their assigned courses.
- A faculty member who replaces another faculty member after the adoption deadline must use the textbook which has been ordered for the class. If a change is deemed necessary, it must first be approved by the Director and the department will be responsible for any additional costs incurred.
Late adoptions, changes to course material, or changing adoption status (required and/or optional) after the deadlines will require Director approval, and may have financial consequences for your department.
We are happy to assist you by requesting, tracking and receiving your instructor materials. Making sure you submit requests as early as possible, not requesting books you already have or do not need and making sure your request is complete and accurate will expedite the process. If we are not able to request free materials from the publisher you have the option of requesting that your department purchase the materials.
- Free Materials
Many publishers offer free materials for instructors for use when teaching their courses. Most offer electronic materials, if you prefer print materials please make that clear. Email the Campus Cache to request materials. Please include the course, ISBN and title.
- Purchasing Materials
Purchase approval is required prior to any request and/or purchase of materials.
Fill out a Purchase Requisition (PR) (PDF) and have it approved by your department coordinator, Director of Academic Affairs or the College Director.
You will need to find a vendor and cost for your items prior to filling out the PR. If you need assistance please let us know.